Park Board
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City of Warrenton Annex Building
202 West Walton Street

Park Board meets the second Monday of the month, 6:00pm, as needed


Brian Vogt, Vice President
Corey Madaus
Laura Schneider
Laura Zimmer
Cheryl Dyer
Jacob Brown
Kelly Madden


The City of Warrenton is seeking two (2) new members for the Park Board, which makes recommendations for the development, maintenance, and financial managements of municipal park facilities. Candidates must be City of Warrenton residents for at least two (2) years and not currently serve in municipal government; interested individuals should contact the City Clerk at (636) 456 - 3535 ext. 222 for more information. 


Under authority of the State Laws of Missouri, Sections 90.500 to 90.570, Missouri Revised Statutes 1969, there be and is hereby created a Park and Recreation Board in the City of Warrenton, Missouri, the Directors of which shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen, and shall consist of nine (9) members. Directors appointed to the Park and Recreation Board must be citizens and shall have been residents of Warrenton, Missouri, for at least two (2) years immediately prior to their appointment. No member of the Municipal Government shall be a member of said Board. (CC 1978 §26.010; Ord. No. 342 §26.010, 6-20-78)

A. Such members shall hold their respective office from the first (1st) of July following their appointment. They shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, except that of those appointed at the first (1st) meeting, shall cast lots for their respective terms, three (3) Directors to serve one (1) year, three (3) Directors to serve two (2) years and three (3) Directors to serve three (3) years. All initial terms of office shall be retroactive to June 1, 1970. Annually and thereafter, on or before the first (1st) meeting in July, the Mayor shall, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint three (3) Directors who shall hold office for three (3) years.

B. The Mayor may, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, remove any member of the Park and Recreation Board for misconduct or neglect of duty. Any member, who, without the consent of the President of the Park and Recreation Board, fails to appear at scheduled Board meetings for three (3) consecutive meetings, shall be removed from office for neglect of duty.

C. Vacancies occasioned by removal, resignation or otherwise, shall be reported to the Board of Aldermen, and shall be filled in like manner as original appointments, except that term of office is restricted to the unexpired term of office. No Director of the Board shall receive compensation of such. (CC 1978 §26.020; Ord. No. 342 §26.020, 6-20-78)

The Park and Recreation Board shall, immediately after the appointment of Directors, meet and organize by the election of one (1) member as President, and such other officers as they may deem necessary. The Board shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for its own guidance and proceedings as may be expedient, not inconsistent with this Chapter and with Sections 90.500 to 90.570, RSMo., 1969. (CC 1978 §26.030; Ord. No. 342 §26.030, 6-20-78)

The Park and Recreation Board shall:

1. Survey and make plans for the development and maintenance of facilities and activities for an adequate municipal park system.

2. The Board shall have exclusive control of the expenditures of all money collected to the credit of the Park Fund, also for the supervision, improvement, care, acquisition and custody for such park or parks.

3. All monies received for such park or parks shall be deposited in the Treasury of Warrenton, Missouri, to the credit of the Park Fund and shall be kept separate and apart from all other monies and accounts of the City of Warrenton, Missouri, and be drawn upon by the proper officers of Warrenton, Missouri, upon the properly authenticated vouchers of the Park and Recreation Board.

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